
August 28, 1895 – December 9, 1962

These are just some of the words that could be used to describe Dr. Roy Abram Burkhart.  From a Mennonite farm in Pennsylvania to the international stage  he moved steadily  driven by his desire to serve humankind and ultimately God.

In this website you may explore through his writings and the testimonies of those whose lives he touched, just how he did it.  Combining  the basic Biblical teachings of his childhood with the scholarly knowledge of psychology and sociology he learned at university, he made First Community Church of Columbus, Ohio a laboratory for innovations in ministry and social justice.

He believed, “The act of becoming yourself is the key to freedom to find the meaning of friendship, the fullest satisfaction of mate-love and marriage, the maximum realization and adequacy in parenthood, the sense of worth and the rewards of success in your work, and the ability by your voice, vote, and leadership to bring your best gift in the building of community, locally and worldwide. “ *

Some of the programs and organizations he established are still thriving today.  These  accomplishments   speak to his understanding and interpretation of  the sound principles of Christian living and human need on which they are based.

* The Freedom to Become Yourself, Roy A. Burkhart, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1956, p. x.